
Disability Disclosure in Higher Education

CW: Ableism, Depression, & Suicide In 2012, Stephanie A.N. Levin was a college student who had big dreams. She began experiencing what she called “a black curtain within my field of vision in my right eye.” A visit to her eye doctor revealed that she had a detached retina. Retinal detachment (RD) occurs when the…

The Burden of Living

CW: Ableism For many years now, I’ve felt like a burden to society. I have required help with activities of daily living since childhood. Even worse, programs that are supposed to help disabled people often don’t. Vocational rehabilitation is available nationwide. Their services are designed to help disabled people find a job. This may sound…

Accessible Housing Means Independence

Peter Jaepes lives with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and extra-articular involvement. It is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by the combination of genes and environmental factors, particularly tobacco, and primarily affects synovial joints. It typically starts in tiny peripheral joints, is symmetric, and spreads to proximal…

Why Is Glenwood Resource Center Closing?

CW: Abuse, Neglect, Suicide & Death The remaining twenty-eight residents of the Glenwood Resource Center in Iowa will move out by the end of June. The state is nearing the end of its two-year plan to permanently close the facility. The facility’s remaining 235 employees will also be laid off by the closure date, according…

Medicaid Waitlists in Kansas

Disability rights advocates applaud a budget proposal that aims to reduce wait times for disabled Kansans needing assistance. Lawmakers overrode Gov. Laura Kelly’s veto to establish a cap on wait times for Kansans seeking state-funded disability services. Included in the state budget, the clause would prohibit waiting lists from surpassing 6,800 people during the fiscal…

Can Mandatory Reporting Laws Cause Harm?

CW: Child Abuse & Neglect More than 60 years ago, policymakers in Colorado felt that early intervention could help stop child abuse. The state required that professionals tell officials when they suspect a child is being abused or neglected. Colorado had one of the first mandatory reporter laws in the country. Since then, mandatory reporting…

Proper Care Is Critical

CW: Assisted Suicide Sandra Langlois will have to have her left foot amputated due to a lack of other options. She’s had a persistently painful bedsore for a year. According to Langlois, who is paralyzed from the waist down, “it’s very debilitating.” She seems to have accepted it, although it took some time. She is…

A New Rule Hopes To Address Ableism in Medicine

CW: Ableism & Death New laws would bar healthcare providers from making treatment decisions based on disability biases, as well as require more accessible exam tables and other medical equipment. The United States Department of Health and Human Services said this week that it will finalize rule that updates and clarifies how Section 504 of…

Self Doubt: Am I Worth It?

CW: Ableism Living with cerebral palsy is never easy. Growing up, I underwent three surgeries and Botox and Phenol injections. I spent hours in physical therapy. Fortunately, I am blessed to have a loving family. My entire life, I have been surrounded by loving people. My parents, sister, grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles have always…

Disability Representation in Shardlake

CW: Ableism Matthew Shardlake leaves the pages of the late C.J. Sansom’s popular historical mystery novels and enters a new show, taking with him disability representation. “We don’t see a lot of leading disabled characters,” says Arthur Hughes, who plays the titular character. “Well, we might, but they might not be played by disabled actors.”…


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